Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

this afternoon

together with other parents and their sons,
we set out to the off shore Island - where for the past 40 years,
this place has been the rite of passage for "Singapore's Sons".

we had a tour of the facilities,
and were assured that our sons would be safe.
i fought back my tears when they took the Oath of Allegiance.
i was so proud of them all.

we dined quite differently this evening at the mess hall,
just a sample of the food our sons will be having for the next 9 weeks.
it's no surprise that theirs will be a high carb diet,
this is Boot Camp, BonAppetit!


I gave birth to you, a tiny baby,
a bundle of joy

You were mine for a while
As God had made it clear
that you belong to Him

While I was caring for your new born brother
You were busy copying the ABC
From the newspapers sprawled on the floor
You were not even four

As any new parents,
with you I made the most mistakes

It’s only by the grace of God you are who you are today
And now, my first born, my eighteen year old

Is he ready to be his own man?

i guess he is, now that he is going to serve his country for the next two years.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

come away with me....Batam, april 6-7

the alluring sea
the mesmerizing sunset
the idyllic island

a quiet

and who can resist the sumptuous temptations of black forest cake?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

today's dessert

rainbow blondies with ice cream.
yersterday's special was Campbell's tasty 2-step chicken,
it's one of their all time favotite.

ahh, my boys are so easy to please!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

a few more days he will be out of the house, out of my comfort zone,
a test of faith as much as is for him and for me;
"oh our little boys, how quickly they grow up!"
i suppose that's every mother's lament when her first child leave the nest.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

counting down

we had an early bitrthday celebration for my seventeen year old, almost a month ahead of his eighteen birthday. i tried a new recipe this time, the deep dark chocolate cake, and topped with generous dose of powdered sugar. it was a real hit!