Thursday, November 10, 2005

how long can one go without food?

(It's easy for me to take for granted with every breath that I take, that's beside the point, for it is obvious that we need oxygen to live, and water too.)

It's easy for me to forget about food/eating. Whether I'm doing something at home or driving around running errands or engrossed in a book, I will not feel hungry until I get up and wonder why I'm feeling dizzy and dehydrated.

My problem is I tend to skip breakfast due to poor eating habits while I grew up. It used to be that I could not put any food in before ten o'clock in the morning. I have been working hard the past two years making sure that I eat breakfast every day. Now, whether I feel like it or not, even though there is this urge to reject every bite, I can wash it down with a cup of coffee.

Just don't get me wrong, I love all types of food, and believe me I can eat a lot.


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