Sunday, March 19, 2006

plates of love

the balloon said it all...and what better way to perk up ones appetite than cookies and deserts?
friends and church family took turns to bring us food which was a tremendous help for me; i was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally and was plagued with guilt of not being a good mother!
my boy is on the mend now even though i wish that he don't have to return to school so soon!
(i think i have seperation anxiety after coming so close of loosing him...)


Blogger athen said...

Sorry to hear that. Hope that everything will goes back to normal. Btw, what happened? As for as I know, one of your son was admitted to hospital for meningitis. From your posts, it kinda sounded more serious. I hope I'm wrong. Nevertheless, I hope that you and your family are safe and sound.

God Blessed, Athen

Sunday, March 19, 2006  

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