Thursday, November 17, 2005

breakfast by the sea

That's where Jesus met Peter & the rest after his resurrection,
that being his third appearance to them.

It's a no brainer where to find Peter - in his state of mind with what he had gone through:
Jesus was captured, he denied Jesus three times, Jesus was crucified, then placed in a tomb; and Jesus' resurrection and appeared in person...
it all seems too much for anyone to take it all at once or at lost of what to do. So he went back to what's familiar, what he knew before.

Jesus sought Peter out, fed him breakfast and then asked him what matters most to him,"Do you love me?" Three times. In doing so, Jesus restored Peter with forgiveness and help Peter to refocused on what's the mission and reinstated Peter for ministry.

i had my own "breakfast by the sea" today.
when He looked into my eyes and help me see that at the core of my heart, i want to go back where there are safe and familiar, i have been away from home for too long, i do not wish to raise finance etc....

Lord,You know that i love you."
restore me
help me refocus
on what's on Your heart
and what's Your next step
for me


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