Thursday, April 20, 2006

a long day

up at 6:30am, the little one is heading out for school.

"Mom, take picture of the worm - it dance!" my little one said.

the irises in full bloom and the roses too!

today's focus: the yellow roses

the older two had noodle for breakfast, a heavy down pour just before they step out for the school bus!

took a break at three and went to school - the Honor Orchestra gave us the sneak preview! can you spot the little one?

i got back to my packing just like what i have been doing the past few week - boxes and more boxes!

my better half prepared spaghetti dinner and a sweet dessert - it was very good!

Jack was waiting patiently for his daily walk.

i ran out of dish washer!

the Master and his dog

the air was filled with the sweet scent of the
Japanese honeysuckle, and the wild blackberry in full bloom and this yellow one made my day!

it's time to pack for the little one's big trip to Florida -
four days three nights, i miss him already!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Michelle! Thank you! It was good to see your day. Wow, wish I could hear the orchestra though...Love Heather

Saturday, April 22, 2006  
Blogger athen said...

Wow! You are busy-busy! Hopefully everytihng will go as planned.

Saturday, April 22, 2006  

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